
While the original show is mostly known for the jazz, the music gives a very strong Cowboy Bebop feel to me.

Any vaguely responsible-seeming Republican running this year was going to get a share of NeverTrump supporters. Those peeps weren’t going to vote Clinton no matter how much you scream and yell.

I want aware of all these kotaku hate-posts about our next president, but I wasn’t typically looking for them on a video game blog.

I just tried to escape the election for a few moments by checking Kotaku.

The frogs in Odin Sphere are great. I do wish that aside from Ingway there were more with dialogue. They ooze personality.

The Wayne’s death is a defining part of Batman’s reason for existence, and is usually only brought up when introducing a new story. The problem for the. WB films doing it is that they constantly create new films where they feel obligated to reintroduce the character, even midway through a series of sequels.

Not op, not a Trump Supporter, it sounds almost as fake as the Russian accent the “president” or whoever she is is using.

There’s no BART to Santa Clara, and you have to be pretty well paid to afford the train from SF to the stadium. I suspect it’s the other way around, actually.

Corded controllers?

Russia has internal rules in place on how they can use their nuclear weapons. Since a nuclear war involves the de facto destruction of the Russian state, Russian nuclear policy is that nuclear weapons may only be used if the survival of the Russian state is in immediate jeopardy. Even losing a ground war wouldn’t be

It may have taken real world examples from the UK, but we’re seeing this behavior all over the world now. In the USA, reddit inadvertently killed a security guard by falsely accusing people of planting the Boston Marathon bombs and forcing the FBI to give the real identities out, which made the two brothers

This is clearly being used for parody.

The real question is if this can be monetized, and if so by whom?

Interesting. I come from tabletop wargames, and the concept of cheese there seems a lot more in keeping with the example here.


I have a suspicion that the toys are hinting at who survives.

Those seats are going to be filled by standby passengers.

Swerving at all wildly is unsafe. Serving into oncoming traffic will cause that traffic to also swerve, possibly going off the road or causing other lethal accidents.

Because I should have the reasonable expectation that the item I purchased for facilitating safe transportation will not kill me when a child kicks a soccer ball into the street at an inopportune moment.

Your property doesn’t know if anyone is going to live or die. But the car will recognize if it is entering a hazardous driving situation. In that instance, the car should be focusing 100% on protecting the passengers inside itself, with a secondary goal of not harming others outside the car. This will also result

The Cubs didn’t manage to do shit. If it weren’t for the atrocious 9th inning failure of the entire Giants bullpen the Cubs were on the way to losing game 5. The offense, defense and pitching staff lining up to make them suffer was all there, and firing on all cylinders.