
The only ones whose work was disrespected were the ones whose work was completely replaced. And often, those same people were directly involved with the other work. Some people actually finally got to show off work they’d done that had been cut from the original films and reintroduced with cgi additions.

And frankly, that’s not even that bad. If they dropped into really cold water that could be under 5 minutes.

Designated limits are the limits to follow if you need the item to function as intended. Given that the alternative was to lose the aircraft and pilots, they probably disabled any failsafes they could and decided it was worth possibly losing the refueling equipment if it could get them closer to shore.

The best and brightest speak out against lazy commenting. Which is turned into a hypertext link without comment or discussion. I can see how you found it appropriate.

Something something cheerleader something football player something plowed.

Um.... what?

Really? I think the fact that they thought of the campaign as only one sixth the total game value has confirmed my suspicions completely.

I’m done. I don’t even care if your trolling me or not. There is a list of cut content and basic game functions linked to in the article. A gigantic list of every game mode and game option completely excised from the game you already paid for at the top of the page. If you want to keep giving them money just to play

Not one mention of Left Behind? The one expansion that expanded the background of a character you already knew about and made it as good or better than the original game?

My number one complaint is that inexperienced players or players who have been engaging in solo play for extended periods often can’t make any progress without a dedicated LFG group.

Absolutely. They have ransomed the ability to engage in normal game functions for the cost of the Taken King expansion, no matter how many expansions you own.

Per the reddit thread linked to by this article, original players can no longer choose their Playlist. They are placed into a list which randomly cycles between maps and game modes appropriate for the number of players. So you get to choose 6 player or 12 player games and that’s it, no more signing up for a round of

All Cadillac are built in America.

Hi Doug! We were always watching!

“Timing memorized” is what you say when a guy makes it through a platform speedrun. FPS games are not metronomes. If pro players moved that consistantly then picking this guy off in return should have been child’s play. Hell, even I can pick off a bot moving in and out of cover at regular intervals, and I suck (and

I don’t play CSGO, but I’ve seen several excellent clips of it posted here on Kotaku before showing off players flanking opponents and catching entire teams unawares to win. This doesn’t hold a candle to those displays of map awareness, weapon control, and tactical superiority. Just because it’s a winning move doesn’t

No, but Ihave played other shooters. Generally, shooting the wall of the building you’re taking cover behind (look at the reticle) doesn’t result in a kill.

A player pulling the trigger with someone in their crosshairs would have been a good start. Or firing with a building not directly in front of their retucule-twice-and getting kills anyway.

I figured (apparently correctly) that it was the logo of their old game.

I was hoping I’d see a really amazing play. Instead I saw a guy blind fire around a corner through a smoke screen where he and his opponents couldn’t see their enemy. He gets multiple kills through dumb luck.