
Pros: lots of awesome books, games and movies on the cheap!

Pros: lots of awesome books, games and movies on the cheap!

As a matter of fact, Gabe is still one of the best webcomics artists out there. Nobody else is churning out work of that quality every other day for over a decade now in webcomics. Not with the same consistency. I don't even think I've seen him take an actual sick day, and they buffer strips when going on

Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. I already have BL2 on PS3, but the online play was hampered by the lack of robust online infrastructure and I want to play with a more complete experience.

Right there on the Penny Arcade website. Automata. There are two prior short comics, read those first to better understand the setting.

By comparison:

The last AMG I read was something about Mermaids, and Urd (or was it Peoth?) confronting Keiichi over the fact that Belldandy would be immortally youthful and he would die an old man in the very best circumstance, which was pretty interesting. I never got around to reestablishing my place and reading from there,

How many of them used it to get INTO competition? VAC is only used on ranked matches.

Ethics? In sports journalism?

Nickel back isn't the problem, but it makes the problem much worse.

Origins policy may be to give a refund.

You do know about Valve Time, right?

Policy does not necessarily mean refunds. A guarantee would typically mean a refund. A policy can be interpreted. A policy can mean that their response is simply to remove the software from their website and you are still screwed. Remember, this policy is in regards to creators, not customers.

Wait a minute.

I haven't read everything in the manga, but I feel the need to point out that those moments are expected in any semi decent work of fiction. We absolutely get the quiet moment of reflection. But the focus of most Shounen action manga is to use those moments as explanation for readers who cannot or will not connect

Well, that and as pointed out above the new Valencia logo is nearly identical to the Batman Beyond bat symbol.

Nearly every XBone/360 exclusive also comes to PC within a year. No Playstation exclusive in my memory has ever gone to PC without going multi platform.

I still remember when demos used to be free.

My apologies, I misread the reply target in your post as another person, which I now realize may have actually been one of your own posts.

I think he makes a fairly good point actually, and not just because I've only owned Playstation hardware for the last two generations (not counting the 3ds there).