
They are a part of the cocoa trade which has many stories of these abuses. Many major businesses in the cocoa trade probably have a similar official stance, just like many companies in the diamond trade. I can't think of any others as large as Coca Cola.

Not something you can see from satellite photos, but there's also Sleeping Lady Mountain in Alaska, which looks like a woman sleeping on her side with her left arm extended from the right angle.

-double post

Please provide links to the fashion accessories that are USSR army issue type clothing. If I have anything like this that is uniquely USSR army issue in design, I would like to remove it from my wardrobe.

Moving from failed states like CalifoniHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So when Sarkeesian says "don't buy or support products that treat women as sex objects" that's being a SJW? That's a boycott you moron. If you want to continue buying those products buy away, but pretty soon devs are going to start making games that people want to buy. And when the Gamergate organization can only

Nearly every virus I have ever gotten came through an ad. Every screen hijack. Every phishing attempt. Every obvious and not so obvious scam. Every autoplay video or audio stream except the stuff here on Gawker Networks.

You don't get cursed BY Justin Bieber, you get cursed WITH Justin Bieber.

The colors have become significantly more vibrant in the Rebuild films in general, for all characters and settings.

The movement is organized on 8chan and the users there spread the word via Twitter etc. You can see it if you bother to look. Do you really think that Colbert/Sarkeesian video got 7000+ dislikes from random GG users stumbling onto the video? The was an entire discussion thread about how to spread the word about

Gamergate is effectively ran and directed from 8chan. A quick look at their Gamergate board shows that even if you aren't personally taking part in those attacks, those are the people you have associated yourself with and ally with. So I don't care if you "in no way defend it" you ARE supporting it.

As a California native, I used to think this.

Why did you eat fast food in Europe? We have questionable meat here in the states already!

The words Gamergate uses might discredit her if the actions they take hadn't shamed every long time gamer and person who associates with the gaming community.

The words Gamergate uses might discredit her if the actions they take hadn't shamed every long time gamer and person who associates with the gaming community.


Yep. It's all a gigantic No True Scotsman defense.

YouTube had to disable comments on Anita Sarkeesian's Colbert appearance because of a concerted effort to discredit her and humiliate her with downvotes and accusations. The 8chan thread where this plan originated included comments ranging from out and out hate speech to overly dramatic calls to flood all related

Nobody had heard of it because until they started harassing women they didn't do a damn thing about ethics in games journalism.

It's absolutely worth it.