
No no, not at all.

at a convention bad around a TV show aimed at young children?

Star Trek isn't explicitly aimed at young girls or anyone else. Star Trek is eliciting about the entirety of the human race as seen through the crew of a starship. There are plenty of women and even children in Star Trek, and aside from Wesley's awful acting they are never disregarded.

Adventure Time is actually genuinely good and periodically addresses issues that justify its older fan base.

Little Witch Academia is the anti-Brony. I approve while heartedly.

From the preview image: one woman, no children, tons of college aged men.

Also, many of these areas have depressed agricultural and manufacturing facilities for textiles, so the impact isn't as rough. The high end fashions where they exist cater to high end customers, just like in the rest of the world. Sometimes though the prices are scaled as appropriate.

This is something that has occurred in response to the number of donated goods flooding similar countries. It's not like the locals turn down cheap clothes, but similarly they have a sense of fashion and self-respect. A unique clothing item sets them apart in society just like a rare or unique piece of clothing

I think the best way to help this guy is to set up a genuine Internet cafe where locals can do business and engage in the lather works around them. Failing that, an arcade is a great place to introduce modern technology to the locals if personal computers are rare in the region.

Actually, I heard about this on NPR a few months ago after the super bowl. Turns out, these shirts are in higher demand then you might think. And is thanks to a bit of local ingenuity and cultural flair.

Reminder: briefly shows up every few months to school the rest of Gawker and Kotaku on how to write an engaging article.

you're right, the auto correct murdered that sentence in cold blood.

Maybe in one game or the other nobody bothered to check out of gear of disrespecting the hell-horse?

If he's getting tested every few days and took a puff, the substance should have shown up in greater concentration in his blood stream. The average was below the limit, and the positive sample was only a single billionth of a gram above. It's possible somebody sparked up nearby and he got second hand smoke

It looks like there is a charge bit to bring in elemental parts for bigger, flashier moves. The small stuff can be explained by having a pouch or canteen of water, like Katara and Korra do for most of their respective series.

With any luck you hit with a pay apocalyptic lawyer or politician.

North Korea had the best public transportation system imaginable, connecting every North Korean citizen with every place they could possibly expect to go in their lives.

As the vehicle approaches the Deer Barrier, some vehicles will briefly exhibit a corona of brown and pink most as they approach and pass this limit, called a "buck boom". This is caused by the body of the deer being pushed out of the way at tremendous force as the vehicle passes into super-buck speeds.

He had a point though. Down in San Diego there are thousands of openly LGBTQ fans, creators, productions, companies and more. But ComiCon doesn't need to sell itself as a gay-friendly convention because it sells itself as an EVERYONE FRIENDLY convention. And literally tens of thousands of people from around the

The "zombies" of The Last of Us are the result of a mutates form of the nervous system controlling cordyceps fungus infecting humans and driving them to attempt to spread the spots, which can be done in a variety of ways including biting people, or dying in a location where the spores can grow wild and spread through