
I'll own up to being a fan of well written fan fiction. There is an Avatar story I read recently that does a great job of presenting an alternate take on the original series as a more mature but not excessively so retelling. The story is called Three Families by James Golen, and it tackles issues of spirituality,

39 minutes of that is spent driving between San Antonio and El Paso.

i work in San Francisco. Nope. And if it is, we're all doomed.

Interesting. I'm loving the beta when i have a chance to play. What turned you off?

Spoiler Alert: The Janeway that took the long route all the way through the Delta Quadrant violates the Prime Directive in the future, steals tons of Borg tech from the Federation, goes back in time and gives the "past" Voyager a bunch of futuristic tech that let's them take a shortcut home.... through the center

Hodor and Max Hass have utterly killed it recently as characters. Heck, in the original series Chewbacca's actor says only a single, mangled human word in the entire trilogy and plays the character brilliantly.

The swill-drinking. shit-talking, womanizing dwarf from Game of Thrones, a movie about magic-using feudal lords competing for ultimate power before being eaten by the dragons, hillmen and zombies, is clearly far above playing a crazy 40 year old gamer with a mullet. Because his costar isn't terribly funny.

Why the hell are you stalking poor Winnie anyway? What sort of creep are you? Listen buddy we don't run that kind of park here!

Greetings from California, the state with the most jobs, money, and entrepreneurs!

i suspect that the VR6 engine is where many of the worst problems with the Mk4 Jetta and Golf occurred. My 2.0 '01 Jetta has just south of 260k miles on it and the original clutch. My brother's 00 VR6 (150k) was a royal pain at all times and he just traded it for a '95 BMW, hoping for even fractionally better

If it weren't for the link to the actual Oddworld game in the Coming Soon section, i would have been completely sure that Abyss Odyssey was a typo.

Extremely naive and little to no experience with other humans, he hasn't even had the "boys and girls are different" talk yet, and they joke about it for many episodes. He even keeps asking certain characters if his opponent is a boy or girl (which is usually blatantly obvious) for a while.

pots aren't put up by evo, or at least not the whole pot.

The other commuters weren't there as the incident happened. If someone was injured or killed these guys would have been crucial to describing what happened to investigators.

"No help they could give" is a pretty easy call to make years after the fact. In the moment you don't know if you need to pat that guy on the back and say tough luck or flip the car over and pry his butt out with a can opener before the gas tank explodes.

same guy, he did several voices in halo.

Because it is?

No, I don't think it goes quite that far. Zealotry certainly. But Elizabeth is clearly understanding of her Biblical teachings and refutes the hatred sponsored by Comstock.

FIFA/pro football/soccer needs to publicly and vigorously enforce the same anti flopping rules the NBA does. First offense? Only a warning. Then start doubling every fine after the second, which starts in the thousands.

I've never heard of a humble president. Yes, that includes the much vaunted Saint Reagan, General Washington, and Honest Abe.