The Butt Bank

I think it also stems from the ‘mainstream middle America doesn’t want their children watching a movie starring a person who is *gasp* NOT HETEROSEXUAL’. If the suburban conservatives and their families boycott your mainstream summer blockbuster then you might feel a bit of pain the ole’ box office. I like to think

She went on to say ‘I don’t want to work with people like that’ which implies it wasn’t a friend but a professional in the field. I’m guessing a prospective agent or casting director.

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

This is a terrible and ridiculous story for a lot of reasons, but I find it almost endearing that this grown ass man thinks these made up words for children are “real spells”. Like it’s so dumb that part of me is just going, “oh, honey”.

I would bet $ it’s an asinine spelling of Kelly. 

There was an article a few years ago that explained the -aden phenomenon as people wanting to be different, but still familiar. Ergo, Zayden.

It looks like the bogan version of ‘Kelly’ to me. 

I assumed it sounds like Key-Lee (spelled phonetically, obvs). But I have no idea. Ugh, the Brayden, Jayden, Caydens of the world definitely fit your description here in Tennessee. 

Also, I’m not mad, just judgemental ;)

I mean Nazis are back so maybe there is something to this. 

It’s not currently?!?

That’s why I just got so tired of Harry Potter... Every time there was a problem, they summoned a demon. Hey, basilisk in the basement, we better summon a demon. I gotta fight a dragon, I’m gonna summon a demon. Sirius is in danger, let’s summon a demon to save him. It was just so predictable that they would solve

And in other news, 348 kids were killed in the aftermath of playing Bloody Mary.

Sorry but I can’t have respect for adults who genuinely believe in demons. And that the magic in Harry Potter is real. Grow up. Seriously.

Well, okay.

You joke, but the latest blame for mass shootings is: teaching evolution. Both Tony Perkins and Robert Jeffries are leaning on this.

It’s amazing, with over 500 million in sales I can’t believe this has never actually happened. Real spells, right there! That many people missed it!

“The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text.”

It’s like the Tooth Fairy (to be posthumously played by Alan Rickman) trying to convince Santa Claus (Idris Elba with a pillowcase) that unicorn farts cause lung cancer. 

I don’t know. My kids regularly yell “avada kedavra” at each other and they're all still alive, so...