The Butt Bank

I work in a furniture adjacent industry, I’ve got some bad news for you. These exist:

These pieces of shit are even worse. no back and just as uncomfortable.

That discomfort may be a feature, not a bug. If the chairs are uncomfortable, you won’t linger at the table as long and they can seat the next party.

I knew which chair before the picture loaded. They are uncomfortable as fuck and should be launched into the sun.

Chace seems quite happy to see those dolphins.

So they’re getting a raise?

One of the biggest regrets of her life is ‘not boning Leonardo’? Man, her life must suck.

They asked Amazon employees to celebrate by working for 1959 minimum wage.

I can believe he’s a self-absorbed douchebag who loves the smell of his own farts, and I even believe the rumours that he’s a terrible lover only interested in his own satisfaction. However, for whatever reason, I suspect that Leo’s actually been decent about consent and legality.

Obviously the inspiration

DiCapiro is the actor I most hope to see taken down by #MeToo someday.  He’s a POS.

As a Seattlite, let me comment: I wish they would STOP moving to Seattle!  What is going on?  Stop moving here, people!  This is getting out of hand!


Chace’s The Deep calendar spread is perfect.  That conspicuous bulge is so in character it’s ridiculous.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on why the 2nd season rubbed me the wrong way, but you nailed it. I grew up in a rural area that had a small lake. Us poors lived there all year long, but never had direct access to the lake beyond the public parks because rich folks owned all the lakefront property and called them their

How nice of Amazon to demonstrably prove that they absolutely COULD be paying employees more and investing in better working conditions but just don’t want to.


Gas pricing may provoke the most irrational responses of anything in our society today. If these locations advertised that they were giving away $20 to every visitor, you’d get far more people thinking “nah, it’s not worth my time.”

Ugh, that would have given me flashbacks to my childhood sitting in the gas station lines during the gas rationing. 

When I was a kid, I read the Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. There’s a scene where he tries to be generous, so he throws a heap of cash out his window, creating chaos in the street. Ultimately someone says to him, dude, I see what you’re trying to do, but you should have seen that this would happen. So, you’re