Thanks for having the courage to share this. This is exactly what I've been arguing. Barney manipulates the situation so the women willingly participate in the act, they say yes, they agree to have sex.
Thanks for having the courage to share this. This is exactly what I've been arguing. Barney manipulates the situation so the women willingly participate in the act, they say yes, they agree to have sex.
When did he pretend to be a cop? If I remember correctly, he was the one driving and was stopped by a female officer and he fantasized about having sex with her.
I have never implied that rape only happens in a dark alley by a stranger. Do not give responses to arguments which I have not made. That's a logical fallacy. I'm aware that rape is not only perpetrated by means of violence and happens anytime consent is denied whether by threat, coercion, blackmail, substances, etc.
Barney has not done that, ever. That's the point.
Yeah, you're so cool. Throwing that word around like it's meaningless (for the second time, too). I'm sure victims appreciate you equating a sleazy playboy to an actual rapist.
I loved this episode. It advanced the plot and we got to see the mother a lot which helps given the break.
Well, Polly, Barney gave the actual explanation of why it was better to have it in New York than Canada. "All of our friends and most of our family lives here." Also, the whole gang mocked Robin, not just Barney.
I have the crazy theory that the Ring Bear(er)? is Robin's mom.
They do have a funny nickname, though. Swarkles, heh heh.
There was a similar episode when Robin delivers a baby in her morning show while the gang was discussing Lily breaking up Ted's relationships, I think? I forgot the name, though.
Well, it's tricky to define the behavior because the parties might feel different. If both people were drunk and one feels violated, does that automatically make the other person the violator…
Thanks, DTH, for finding the words.
So, as a final question, would you say that any person engaging in the behavior in the grey area constitutes a sexual assailant? I guess I'm approaching this by an individual situation perspective. And I don't see any instance where Barney crosses the line.
No problem. I agree with your opinion and absolutely think Barney lives in that area. I did, however, have a problem with the person that asserted that Barney was a rapist when there's no evidence to support that. I just don't like to assume someone is a rapist because that's a very heinous assumption.
Ok, so it's only considered assault if the only reason she decides to engage in sexual intercourse is the part that she was deceived about? What if she would've slept with you and the deceit helped?
Yes. I just thought since the consequence is not directly affecting her negatively, she has the power to refuse.
I would not personally do that because it's extremely sleazy and manipulative. However, I don't think you should label Barney a rapist when the women are willingly engaging in the act of sex. There's no threat, coercion, or pressure for them to have sex, they are just doing it.
I get your point, but Barney is not saying "If you don't sleep with me, I will end the world or kill your family or fire you, etc." he's not the one making the threat of the end of the world.
Courts have also charged men with rape for having consensual sex. What's your point?
Barney has not coerced anyone into having sex, though. He manipulates the situation/dialogue and the women willingly engage.