
I thought you were talking about Lovesick (Scrotal Recall) for a second and I was about to throw some hands.

I know it's supposed to be movies, but I will always nominate Ted and Robin in any list/article/poll/survey/etc about people who shouldn't have ended up together.

Too bad "Norf Norf" will always be associated with that crying white christian lady.

I feel bad for the runner up, it must sting.

I can always recognize British actors playing Americans because they can't say "everything/anything" without their accent creeping in just a tiny bit to be noticeable.

It's clearly a joke, snowflake. Lighten up.

“In the finished product, Audrey offers, but Shadow will not accept. The two are in a graveyard mourning their respective spouses, who died in a car crash while engaging in oral sex. Audrey, who has had time to mull the affair, is bitter and wants revenge. She argues that the act will provide closure. Meanwhile,

By all accounts, he has taken care of the kid very well. He fell in love with Gisele, and Moynahan and him remain civil. Like he didn't owe her anything, she wasn't his wife.

So, what's your favorite goosebumps walkaway line? Mine is from Keith which was my ex's favorite movie.

Also, the fucking shirt was designed by a woman! But she probably drank internalized misogyny water. We should talk about that at the next patriarchy meeting.

I'm sure she was alive back then. Probably coming back from the war, oh wait…

How do you propose they do that if they are not being hired?

I'm in complete agreement. I don't wanna sound like I'm dismissing "Rape culture" as a whole, but to expand what I read from the RAINN quote, I think some people think 'Rape culture' causes or encourages rape, when that is demonstrably false. Rape culture is what makes prosecuting rapists difficult, thus "…point out

Louis C.K, is that you?

Because the whole point is that rapists already know that and don't care? Like do you think Bill Cosby would've stopped if somebody told him: "hey, you know that's not okay, right?"

Standing in line to bee the show tonight and there's a light on, heavy glow. Bee the way I tried to say, I'd bee there, waiting for. Dani the girl is singing songs to me Beeneath the marquee. Overload.

Why can't we all just get along?

Bobby Lashley? I only kid.

Scarlett Johansson.

While I never say
The onus now rests on you
Please, answer the call