
I’d rather have my house filled with garden gnomes than have a funko pop

I’d rather have my house filled with garden gnomes than have a funko pop

Yes, almost any one of us can look around their room and see trinkets or statuettes or other various tchotches and say “oh I like that thing, it has sentimental value to me”

Step 1. Have less tchotchkes

I would but my finger doesnt go any deeper

i mean im masturbating to this so they *are* sweaty i guess

but not the kind of special stupid that angrily replies with a paragraph about decimal notation to a 5 year old comment on a Gizmodo article


“just fine” is a bit ( a lot ) misleading

“Lone Cyprus”, one of the most famous trees in California, that is still there

But is he problematic and toxic

just not true, he was *very* good at PUBG.

America loves to overreact.

Forget sports are you making demands of black Americans to cut loose all entertainers that do some morally questionable shit? Still see plenty of people jamming to Chris Brown-

I’m not sure I understand your alternative -- a world in which “the mob” (which could also just be described as ‘a majority of your consumers’) loudly complains that you’re making a giant mistake and you just plant your flag on top of your poorly-rendered hill and die on it?

It would be cool to one day have a household nuke plant next to the water heater and laundry sink.

Diamonds aren’t people. they’re not conscious nor do they have any lived experience — they’re rocks. Dumb rocks.

The residents of this Ohio community are just as NIMBY as anyone in the southwest.

get off your high horse

How’s the view from that high horse?

(Guys, seriously, stop killing everyone who is not white, it’s awkward)