
I think for Millennials especially, it felt like we had finally accomplished something in getting Obama in the White House. My first presidential election was 2004, and I HATED Bush. To lose and then watch the country fall to pieces felt awful. But when Obama won, it felt like everything was going to change

There’s always a reason to be mad at the utilities people, but just like anything else, you gotta go higher up. Guy in his truck is just earning a wage. 

Wow... and we’re the Bros?

So your issue with Sanders is that he didn’t run third party and guarantee a GOP win?

I thought you said “Bye”, dont be a hypocrite.

yeah that “he said a woman couldnt be president” was complete bullshit and she fucking knew it. 

It takes a case of terminal brainworms to believe that the woman who was a republican until she was 50 years old is a better representation of the party than the lifelong progressive.

Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy”

Elizabeth played herself. Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy she sided up to ol Bernie and now she’s paying for it.

There are plenty of amazing looking shows still around...and plenty of stuff in the 80s/90s looked like trash, too. Take off your nostalgia goggles. I think your memory is selective here.

Not attribute? If the creators are not attributing their game to Lovecraft, then what do you think this article is even about?

I’m not sure anyone would group you into the former.

Sure it matters. We’re all discussing it.

Nobody is being measured against perfection.

Lovecraft is well known among genre fans, but that’s still relatively recent. For most of the last century, he’s been fairly obscure. So, yeah, lots of older genre fans know this.

But people who are just coming to Lovecraftian themes through Darkest Dungeon or The Colour Out of Space movie or other modern entry points

The creator and the work cannot be separated.

I’ve honestly no idea why any Lovecraft fan would have any problem with that; quite the contrary. You can’t really understand Lovecraft unless you know about his racist views, as well as his personal fear of ethnic minorities. This guy wrote about the fundamental fears of an early modern man, a man in transition from

Well shit, now I gotta go google his cat’s name.

Let’s just say, humanity’s had a run.

Have fun clinging to your lofty standards while enduring years of Republican rule because nobody is good enough for you.