Just so long as you have it right — remember all those righteous doxxers that fingered the completely wrong individual after the Boston Marathon bombing?
Just so long as you have it right — remember all those righteous doxxers that fingered the completely wrong individual after the Boston Marathon bombing?
PUBG is competitive
Everybody’s gotta die sometime.
Trolling isn’t funny. It’s annoying
dumbly adhering to something that is not true for the sheer purpose of ticking people off seems... obnoxious.
Physics disagrees, “relativistic kill vehicle” physics are pretty easy to calculate
pop their head up asking “Did you cum?”
Yes, but based on Leia’s own dialogue more because, “we barely have any people and we cant really afford to lose half our starfighter fleet right now” and not because “we don’t really want to harm all these First Order mooks we spent the last movie blowing up, and years ago literally blew up a moon-sized station that…
They didnt seem to have many scruples about blowing that First Order dreadnought to tiny space bits.
why not have a scene with Rey and Leia discussing how it doesn’t matter what she came from, only what she’s doing now?
I think you’re really fixated on the number of stars a real life general has, as an analogy to a fictional paramilitary *space navy*.
Even on the losing side, generals are captured rather than killed. See Sadam Hussein, who had no army left and was hiding in a hole.
Did you read the article? TFA brought up a bunch of interesting questions
Not in U.S. history — but the U.S. military is highly bureaucratized — the Resistance is a ragtag group (now small enough to fit on a single light freighter!) where generals can’t afford to command from offices in the Pentagon — the Resistance has no Pentagon.
Because that strategy only killed one Resistance fighter — where Poe’s fuckery killed... like 75% of them.
That’s war for you.
Her being a nobody from nowhere is exactly the point — and the only thing better than the flip-off to the up-their-own-ass variety of the Star Wars fandom is how exquisitely it worked
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Pump the brakes — they said “attempts” at contact. They didn’t say the family member was actually forwarding the mail to that poor girl.