
Leave him alone, Breanna. He’s trying to be a senator one day.

Nine recommendations for prison rape — Disappointing, TheRoot commentariat. Very disappointing.

nobody cares, TERF.

think the commentariat is against you on this one, bud.

yeah making fun of dumb-ass eyebrows is really holding down women.

San Francisco?

nobody cares bruh

Trump is slowly killing the Republican party

I don’t think asking someone to surrogate for you and your wife is hara-

i dunno, i fuckin feel ThatguyWiththething

Hey how about you fuck off with the autoplay videos.

Yeah, this article reeks of December 2017 “How Bernie can still win, you guys” desperation

you uh, havent been following this at all, have you?

you uh, havent been following this at all, have you?

First sentence, yeah really with you.

Ehhh, I think that comment was both poorly written, misusing the racist/misogynist dog whistle “oppression olympics” — but I also think people are deliberately misinterpreting the comment when it’s obvious she’s agreeing with the subject of the article — unless I grossly missed something.

What point was missed? She seemed to be echoing Union to me in that comment.

I mean, it’s basically just a gaggle of gullible people.

Oh please, I’m up north and everyone was humming and hawing about how the Napa fires would affect wine production.

Hurricanes and tornados are big, exciting news. Wildfires are humdrum.