
Uhh, you came in here and picked a fight with StartingOverAgain over previous, unrelated posts in here, throwing an (unrelated to this article!) “sheer volume of words” at them by posting an essay implicitly accusing StartingOverAgain of being a nationalist, then implying they didn’t read it.

Comcast didn’t always own NBC, you know.

If, as a “white centrist”, you assumed that all Nazi’s dressed up like The Green Goblin so that they could be easily recognized, you’re either a fool, a liar or both.

Yes, but “white centrists” think “nazis” and just see sharply-dressed, goose-stepping supervillains.

It’s a Jezebel weekend, gossipy fluff piece. If you want news, there are a thousand other places to find it.

So the victim of domestic violence being belittled on this site by the reporter doesnt matter, the writer’s attitudes and minimization of DV isn’t what matters. What REALLY matters here is that MRAs have been given a “handy stick to beat feminism with”

Yeah, I’m starting to run out of mulligans and do-overs to give Jezebel.

ether use always results in an incident


This comment is a mess - “black twitter” did a good thing, so “black twitter” cannot also do a bad thing?

what fucking gets me here is — how are you trying to not be a human, and instead be an anthropomorphic animal — and also be a white (read; a varietal of human) supremacist

it is our society’s responsibility to deal with domestic abusers — and the police did deal with it — and he lost his membership in LCS (which is contingent on his behavior) because of it, what are you even talking about.

Look, I’m just as embittered about American injustices both in our borders and around the world, and I’m deeply skeptical of capitalism, especially as technological progress drags on and makes labor less and less valuable.

Hey man, if you’ve got the energy to actually argue with every flat-earth conspiracy theorist you come across, more power to you.

yeah lets do nothing and wait until he does

Rich assholes are against Unions, corporate lobbyists are against unions, moronic brain-washed simpletons are against Unions.

The story assumed, came to no conclusion, the definition of a non-story.

That’s really between them, and not you.

This is the dumbest possible take. Don’t be ridiculous.

But she can’t be treated simultaneously as an adult corrupting a minor when the minor is herself.