In Which Allison Glock Discovers Something Most People Knew By Their Sophomore Year
In Which Allison Glock Discovers Something Most People Knew By Their Sophomore Year
Nah, like every other African dictator Mugabe was a false prophet who should have been assassinated decades ago.
you couldnt for a while, im not sure whats hard to understand about this.
a female what? ocelot?
All this is supporting my conclusion that “Smashing your Keurig coffee maker in addition to boycotting future purchases of their product is a little weird, but not that weird”
It wasn’t very long ago that Keurig kicked themselves in the face with this
To be fair, a Keurig coffee maker becomes completely worthless if you decide to stop supporting Keurig — since their machines will only work with their coffee pods, and Keurig goes to great, great lengths to ensure that it stays that way.
“I’m not good at” returning people’s calls
Video games, like art, are only finished when the creators say its finished.
that’s a rather egregious spelling mistake for this kind of headline.
that’s a rather egregious spelling mistake for this kind of headline.
We cant stop a lone wolf who plans for years if not months in isolation, they will kill a bunch of people, with a gun, a bomb or a truck. You will not stop these people.
The people who have them would be more than happy to shoot you right in the head.
A lot more people die from heart disease. Check.
Calorie counting phone apps are rife. They’re everywhere — anyone obsessed with counting their calories likely already has five apps for it, outside of Google Maps.
But many users were quick to point out that the feature was incredibly stupid, not just for the possible effect it might have on the estimated 30 million people in the U.S. with eating disorders
Uh, dude.
Build a water balloon catapult on the condo’s roof — use it to teach your condo neighbors about fundamental physics and engineering. 10 points for a direct dick hit.