
Highlighting your bigotry.

yeah, this is literally alt-right whataboutism.

how many of you watch 

Step 1) Fucking don’t.

This article has me all nervous about doing that just last night.

Are they reporting it and the cops are not doing anything?

Judging from your personailty I honestly wouldn’t want to play as you either.

132,127 acres last year here in Big Sur

Fires can jump rivers.

The internet was a mistake

The “economy” in PUBG is an entirely “opt in” affair.

SE Texas is going to be rebuilt on the backs and wallets of the American taxpayer and we’re going to pay it again in insurance premiums increases. We know that and we do it because that’s what we do... we pitch in together and pay our share.

To prevent exactly this, dillweed.

You missed a spot — you really need to get your tongue between the boot-treads.

The police — as they are right now in the United States — absolutely should not exist. They are an enemy of the public.

Oh no, the poor oppressed (yet somehow at all times above the law) police officers.

you’d finely get fed up and say “Fuck it!” and either move to the dark side or just quit. Either way you lost a good cop.

Most good cops tell you that it is pretty obvious that this asshole cop was being a bastard and trying to arm twist (literally and figuratively).

Bad cops do bad things. “Good” cops sit around and watch bad cops do bad things at best, and cover for them on paperwork.

you’re a lib — for your own causes, which is no lib at all.