DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1


I’m trying to find more of these for other religions but for now Buddha has a good message for these guys.

Zoe Quinn getting a cameo in XI is something I never knew I wanted until now.

Lol. Brilliant comment.

that’s so fucking dumb. Most of the characters in the Star Wars movies are pretty gender neutral outside of Han Solo hitting on Princess Leia and Luke being jealous. I don’t remember any scenes of Yoda telling Luke he had to “nut up” or that he “...force lifts those rocks like a girl.”

Lol you used SJW unironically

Just keep scooting them goalposts back. 

“The manifesto also claims that they’re “pushing an agenda of masculine inferiority” if you want something else to be pissed about.”

Yes, and there’s no better way to refute that notion than by doing the dumbest and nerdiest possible thing that has ever occurred or will ever occur. 

Boy, you’re really gonna hate Ep 9. I hear it involves Rey & Rose rounding up every alpha male in the galaxy & making them play Zoe Quinn games over & over, Clockwork Orange-style.

There’s a world of difference between “disliking something” and putting on a crybaby clown show like these nerds are doing.

Unfortunately,  these guys are so off their rockers,  I’d be making sure Kathleen Kennedy has an extra security detail from now on. 

When people say “too political” what they really mean is “political in a way that doesn’t jive with my own personal beliefs.”

In the spirit of inter-faith understanding, I’m sure we can get many more deities to tell these guys to Fuck Right Off

Oklahoma shall be razed as an example to all of you.

And has been said on other articles, these dudes could just try writing fanfiction maybe instead of trying to rebel against a company.

You are totally right.

I would just like to take a moment to say that I’m a fat, bearded, almost-40 mostly-white man who thought TLJ was fine, maybe like 6/10 or 7/10? Not perfect, but entertaining.

On the other hand, we’re definitely, totally, an oppressed minority at this point. Everywhere I go on the internet I read

Jesus Christ.

We do not take this course lightly.