DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1

I grew up with dogs, and my first husband had three dogs when we met. The husband and the dogs have all passed on, and I don’t plan to ever get another dog. I’m getting old and I’m tired of the responsibility of taking care of others. My kids, at least, are adjusting to young adulthood, although it’s sometimes slow,

I rushed that answer. Ugh. Okay, what the laws do is say that if there’s an issue, then the one with the power is the one at fault. You could have a completely consensual relationship, but if something goes wrong, boom. Most employers have guideslines in their employee handbooks. 

They weren’t veiled. Most complaints never go to the police. A company is free to fire an employee and an employee to quit over pretty much anything, as long as the grounds aren’t discriminatory. If he has a contract that guarantees a period of time he is to be employed, he could still be fired for many reasons that

First, the law makes it completely clear that if one person has power over another in a work situation, then that person cannot have a sexual relationship with the employee. Doesn’t matter what you think or what you feel; that is the law. A CEO can’t be hitting on, harassing, or even having a consensual relationship

Whedon was in a position of power over the actors, so it falls under sexual harassment, probably quid pro quo. It’s wrong, no matter how you look at it. Also important is that exactly none of these women has come forward to support him as if these apparently multiple occurrences were consensual.  He probably thought

There’s a recent Russian movie called The Duelist, about dueling in the Russian Court in the 19th century. There was a long list of rules, and different varieties of pistol duels. The movie is very Russian, beautiful, cold, extremely pale. 

Pretty much. If it’s small and not obviously causing an issue, it’s considered cosmetic. You have to say it’s causing pain or itching or interfering with an activity. I had a cyst removed from my forearm because it was pressing on a nerve, so insurance covered it.

What we needs is a temperature changing mug: Cold it shows the wedding pic of Ruby and Sapphire on the shirt above. Fill it with hot liquid, and Garnet in her wedding modified outfit shows up.

It’s a cute show, but more than two episodes and I’m ready to chuck the remote at the screen. 

Unfortunately, I haven’t had much luck with dieticians. They often decide on a type of diet and try to have everyone on that same diet. That doesn’t work. And they can be very stubborn about it. 

As an old white woman, I have to say, fuck that guy. There are always plenty of white men on any site ready to jump in with the #notallmen and #notallwhitemen protestations. I hauled my older son down to vote for Clinton with me. I will be hauling both sons to the polls in November, even though we live in a very blue

He’s probably a fan of the movie “From Dusk til Dawn.” So many dumbass tattoos on white guys started popping up after that movie.

And Annalee Newitz.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Two, the mansion Angel, Drusilla and Spike are living in is also the Ennis house.

Like RDJ, I assume it’s with the heels/lifts. 

I don’t think killing Buffy, Xander or Giles would have pushed Willow over the edge. Buffy had already died twice. Xander was moving on and out of the Scoobies. Giles left the country. The one loss that could break Willow would be Tara. 

Buffy’s mom died in season 5, which was the reason Willow and Tara were living with Buffy and Dawn.

I’m old, so I think that Season 6 is my overall favorite, and mostly for the reasons you stated. Terrible things can happen to you that don’t involve powerful/supernatural creatures. A human can ruin your life. We make bad choices, but we can come back from them. It’s also the season that showed what a useless wretch

Oh, honey, nobody cares. I saw Star Wars in ‘77, standing in line twice to see it in the theater. Same with Empire and Return. The prequels massively sucked. Flat out, Star Wars has always been poorly written. George Lucas is not a god. Stories change. People change. People have natural inborn skills. Luke has minimal

Thinking about my ex and pending divorce, the movie would last about five minutes, unless they add time for me having to get rid of the body.