DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1

My facelift is this week! Wow! And The Bartender is picking me up at the hospital and we are going to then have a baecation in the Poconos! With a fireplace, a/c, balcony, and a heart shaped hot tub dear God! Actually, he’s in charge of taking care of me.

Craft Thread! I missed last week because I was asleep, lol. I’m on baby’s schedule now and she doesn’t give a fig if SNS is late.

My one cat loves my boyfriend’s drag stuff. She loves the drag closet and the makeup table and brushes. She just stands on the chair looking into the mirror like an old diva. Her name is Tenar (from Ursula Le Guins Tombs of Atuan) but when she’s being a fashion kitty we call her by her drag name Tenar Braxton.

I had a wreck this week, I rear ended someone. I’ve never been at fault for a wreck before. I feel like such a dumbass. My car was basically unscathed. His had really minor damage and he started talking about how the bumper would need to be repainted and the frame might be bent. Neither of those things were true or

I used the occasion to remind him that shit like this is why his daughter can't be served in polite society.

Fuck off.

Or prefers animals over people

It was held at Leslie’s ancestral palace.

Recent? It says on Wikipedia that Leslie’s family’s ancestral seat dates all the way back to the 15th century.

You are forgetting the important technical detail that Pym Particles are concentrated Handwavium.

Now she gets to be as famous as Oakland bbq bitch 

What happens in the quantum realm, stays in the quantum realm.

Just stay out of rural America. Not only are there more guns than people, but there’s so much ammo. You don’t go 2,000 miles each way with a pistol and a few extra mags.

Sure, because no one else is going to have a gun in a country with more guns than people.

Also, as America’s food producers consolidate, the impact of an outbreak at one plant has wider effects than it might have decades ago”

Unfortunately, the industry has done everything it can to “self regulate”, especially in strongly Republican anti-union states where labor is cheap, wages are low, and things like “OSHA” and “inspections” are largely theoretical.  Just another side effect of voting for Jesus.

The whole process is pretty cool to witness, but the former lifeguard in me worries about the people in the pool with the bath bomb, and wonders who’s going to clean all that up.