I’m allergic, so no problem.
I’m allergic, so no problem.
I changed over to Pyrex glass a few years ago, and I’m so much happier. No more food stains. No more smells. Minimal soaking time. I wipe off the worst, and put them in the dishwasher.
Just after we moved to our current home, we got a package from DirecTV containing equipment, at our address, but apparently a previous tenant’s name. I called DirecTV and they expected me to take it to the post office and arrange for it to be returned. It’s been sitting in a closet for over two years. Whenever AT&T…
The problem with a lot of foods that don’t contain gluten naturally, is that they are prepared in factories where foods containing gluten are also packaged. Corn tortillas are often run on machines that use regular wheat flour to help the machine roll out the tortillas and keep them from sticking together. Bob’s Red…
I hate it, because what you’re left with is rice flour and sugar. Horrible stuff.
Celiac is a disease; gluten intolerant is a condition. Two different things.
Sometimes I think you’re a pretty good troll; other times I think you’re just being a dick.
Marijuana is a drug. Cocaine and amphetamines have been used as medicine. Amphetamines still are.
This is my issue with Kamala Harris.
Ted’s dad, Rafael, has been preaching in his ministry for years that Ted is destined to become the Christian King of the U.S., so I’m sure Ted has been hearing these scriptures since he was a baby.
I was in my 20s during the John Hughes teen movie period. There were a few things I liked about Sixteen Candles, but the racist jokes disgusted me. I grew up in California, and my best friend’s mother was a military wife from Japan, so that may be why Asian jokes bothered me more than average. And then Jake being a…
How can you not love toddler Chun-Li and Good Boy Spyro?
There’s a movement among evangelical martyrbator women to step forward and volunteer to have other people’s fertilized eggs implanted in them so that the little souls have a chance at life.
He admitted he has a drinking problem. I have never found him attractive. Potatum is the perfect nickname.
My mother, despite her narcissism, did not ever badmouth my birth father. He never provided financial support. He disappeared from my life until my mother remarried, then only popped up every few years. I figured out his issues pretty young. After his death, I learned even more horrendous stories from his sister and…
I didn’t watch the first season, but I may tune in for the second.
I’ve been working my way through Philippa Gregory’s Cousins War books, and I’m having enough trouble keep everyone sorted in that mess. At least they killed each other off on the regular.
How lucky for you that you’ve never had to deal with that kind of situation.
It’s happening a lot with white evangelicals. They don’t go through adoption agencies, so there’s no government record. The children often are slaves, used for labor, and forced into Christianity as a form of missionary work for the owners.