DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1

There’s talk here of community property states and such, but the thing to remember is while the base is that each party splits debts and savings evenly, it doesn’t necessarily have to happen that way. It also only applies to savings and debts acquired during the marriage. The best thing is to see a good divorce

The husband has refused to get treatment, so it would be best if the LW got out.

Money issues are a major cause of divorce. Frankly, the lack of respect shown by your partner is mostly likely never going to change. You can’t force respect. You’ve bailed him out over and over, so he’s come to see you as the person who will bail him out, no matter what. Having been through it myself, and having

Eureka had Cisco phones that were shown regularly, then there was the season where a Subaru was in every episode and mentioned by name.

It’s not the shifting, it’s the clutch.


It’s also unfinished. There are gaps that should have been filled in, but Affleck must have either decided it had reached a point of stupidity, or got tired of it.

I felt bad for the fundagelical kids who were dragged to see it. I’ve read a few accounts from those kids, and a lot of them still resent their parents for it.

Whoever decided to hire Matt Smith was an idiot. I’m sorry; he’s highly physically unattractive, whereas young Prince Philip was, while clearly having the inbred European royal look, attractive. (Unfortunately, it seems that, right about the time they hit 30, every male in that family changes from fairly handsome to

From my grandmother: Blend a stick of softened butter with a tablespoon of salt, then rub inside and out. Put in oven under foil to start, then remove foil for last half hour. The butter has soaked in by then, and combined with the salt the skin is super crispy and intense.

There’s a major movement in white evangelical circles, of which Conditt was a member, that includes Quiverfull and the Christian Patriarchy movement, which is basically Nazism’s genocidal plan, combined with over the top religion. They literally believe that white people are destined to rule the world, starting with

This is a great idea. Even those of us who aren’t quite teetering on the edge can use some of these tips.

There were four shown last Sunday.

The guy on the bottom of the list of funny people on SNL. Bet he’s effing pissed that so many SNL women have gone onto movie careers.

Have you forgotten who our president is?

It can also happen from laundry. Loose hair doesn’t get washed away, and works it’s way into the baby’s clothing or blankets. If you’ve ever picked out those knots of hair and lint out of your clean laundry (I call them hair spiders), you can see how it can happen, especially if a hair works its way into, as noted in

How has no one mentioned Cheyenne’s growth and development? What I thought would just be a throwaway character is now one of my favorites, and a lot of that is due to Nichole Bloom.

Ugh. I answered him with, you know, history, but I’m in the greys so most people won’t see it.

Actually (yes, I’m doing it), that was mostly the nobility. The average age of onset of menses was much higher among most classes of people, somewhere in the upper teens; even in the 19th century, the average onset of menses was 17. A high meat diet caused girls among the nobility to start menses at about 12 to 13.

I use an immersion blender, but stop while it’s still a bit lumpy.