My MIL is a divorce lawyer. I worked with her part-time before she was my MIL. Most lawyers hate the clients who keep fighting over every damned thing. Turn in your paperwork on time. And never, ever, ever piss off the judge.
My MIL is a divorce lawyer. I worked with her part-time before she was my MIL. Most lawyers hate the clients who keep fighting over every damned thing. Turn in your paperwork on time. And never, ever, ever piss off the judge.
That was beautiful. Thank you. I’ll keep points from that in mind when trying to explain this concept.
There are also a couple of commenters here talking about reusing unwashed napkins.
I think the thinking was that the napkins are reused. I’ve been on boards where people were bragging about how little water they used, and one thing they did was use the same napkin for a week or more at a time before washing.
No, that’s just gross.
I buy the Kleenex hand towels for the bathroom. They’re in a nice box that you can set on a towel rack or on the vanity.
I’ve seen too many couples end up in divorce because one spouse caved to the other over children, thinking that a child would not be that hard as long as the other spouse was really into being a parent. Unfortunately, The spouse that wanted the child has romanticized the idea of being a parent and they can’t handle…
I think Amazon didn’t want to spend the money on moderators. Some of the stuff getting posted on IMDb was really bad.
Most of my reading is audiobook on my commute to work. I have to drive, as public transit here sucks, so it keeps me from going completely mad. I’ll also sometime listen if I’m working on a big mindless project at home, like clearing the garage.
There are two series by Elizabeth Moon, based on the same character, in a future space empire. The first series is Vatta’s War (did not know it existed until after I picked up the first book in the second series), and the second, which I just started, is Vatta’s Peace. I describe it as The Borgias in space. There’s…
There’s one big reveal, but otherwise, not really. Watch it if you like to compare and contrast.
I’ve seen both. I lean a bit more towards the American version, but I’m sure part of that is that it was filmed with an American viewpoint.
Hulu added Better Off Ted and I am so happy.
The episode of Victoria that aired last Sunday had Parliament arguing over the tariff on corn. Whigs are arguing that they can’t let people die; Tories are arguing that they made promises and they’re men of honor so it doesn’t matter, better people die than they look bad. It was really painful to watch.
The Victorian Era is a hell that gets romanticized, when it should be condemned and held up as an example of the worst of humanity.
Plus coming up with the deposit and one to two months rent to move into this cheaper apartment.
Fries with gravy are a delicious appetizer. Fries without gravy are still a pretty good appetizer.
I didn’t want kids. I went to PP in my late 20s to get a tubal ligation. They made me see a therapist multiple times. I gave up. Ended up with two kids I didn’t want because of BC failures (one of those deliberately done by my ex), and when I was pregnant the second time, at 40, I still had to sign off on a bunch of…
Don’t do it. Just don’t. People romanticize having children, but it’s ultimately just a major biological drive to reproduce your genetics. It’s going to cost you financially, mentally and physically. Kids aren’t magically out the door at 18; they’re never gone. When you should be concentrating on investing for your…
I’m so old I used an original Macintosh at work. Even before that, I took a Basic class and our options were TRS-80s and Apple IIs. We kept fighting over the the TRSs because the display on the Apples was horrible. So, I’m going to combine two of the biggest complaints people are listing here: 1. You get what Apple…