DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1

I finished the Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin (starts with The Fifth Season), which deserved all the awards it got and more. Now starting a new series by Elizabeth Moon called Vatta’s Peace; the first book is Cold Welcome. It dawned on me finally that it’s pretty much The Borgias in future space, with families

They tried to steal Peter Mayhew’s cane.

I think one of the episodes of Rome (HBO) had Marc Antony taking part in Lupercalia.

Hi, Cecelia, thank you for the great article. I’m in the greys here, but I thought I’d toss my two cents in, since I am just a few years younger than, or about the same age as the women in the post. I also remember playing a Pong console for the first time in 1973.

I worked for a divorce lawyer. Anecdata would back this up.

That natural hair color requirement is some serious BS. F**k those a$$holes.

The character’s mental illness is what causes her to go overboard and buy into stereotypes. It’s not because she’s single.

“I can fake sincerity” is my mantra.

Just looking at that video, I can smell the burning.

Pigs will kill and eat us, so it’s only fair to eat them.

We’ve got top of the line microwaves and multiple types of coffee makers, but we had to fight to get toasters.

I’m totally in Camp Never-Send-Nudes. Polaroids can be destroyed.

Thanks for posting this. I’m a mom with two unplanned, now adult kids. I wish BC were 100%, because my life and my health would not be a continuous stress pile. My kids are young adults, new to jobs, saving money for school, so they’re both still with me. My ex is a deadbeat with mental health issues that showed up

In California, you probably can’t retain an attorney for a divorce for under $2,000. But, yes, If it’s anything more than simple stuff, uncontested, most of it worked out, it’s better to pay for an attorney. (My MIL, the family law attorney, approves this message.)

Wet a pad with clear water and a few drops of tea tree oil. Rub it on the item. Tea tree oil is a natural germ killer that won’t mess up your skin. My ENT even has me doing nasal rinses with it.

Users should note that Laura Wasser is in California, which already makes things fairly simple for people filing their own divorces pro se. My guess is the app is designed for California residents. California courts have been using a computer program for decades that calculates spousal and child support. The app could

If you spanked a non-consenting adult, it would be felony assault. You can call it what you want, but it’s still a beating.

I have two kids who have regularly been complimented on their good behavior and kindness. They’re adults now.

The pro-spankers here need to go on a few forums where survivors of religiously-sanctioned abuse go to pour out their pain. I know that when my parents went full religious, including beatings, when I was 12, my relationship with them was ruined forever. We haven’t spoken in 15 years. I haven’t seen them in 18 years.

Dude, no. Spanking is effed up, no matter what. If you’re resorting to spanking, then you’re failing as a parent.