Saw a bunch of techbros in hideous holiday sweaters today. Wish they were flying out of town.
Saw a bunch of techbros in hideous holiday sweaters today. Wish they were flying out of town.
It kinda goes off the rails the farther it goes along. I bought the book, but never finished it. But it’s hard to maintain a certain amount of freshness with anything.
Doug Jones and Camden Toy are doing pretty well without their faces showing.
Many, many years ago, when I was studying Japanese, one of the local TV stations, on Sunday nights, would get the feed from a station in Hawaii with various Japanese shows on it, with subtitles in English. I really got hooked on some shows, especially the one about the vigilantes who hid their identities and delivered…
That would be great. I’m all for thinning the herd.
I just rewatched Dog Soldiers today, and I’d add it to that list.
He’s probably going to lose his ranch in New Zealand, so I don’t know of any place outside the U.S. that’s going to welcome him.
It isn’t bacon. It’s incredibly thinly sliced pork chops.
The only time I participated that was fun, was during our work group’s annual holiday lunch. We made a real effort to find funny, funky stuff. One year, I scored a Soviet air force officer’s cap that someone had picked up at the clearance sale of Soviet military stuff in the early 90s.
As a boomer myself, fuck ‘em with that BS excuse.
Every time in history. There’s always some group that considers it acceptable and normal. WWII was a huge rape time. Brothels were set up by the Allies and Soviets in Italy and Germany. Japan set up brothels in China and Korea.
You really should watch Hell or High Water. Chris Pine is amazing. The last scene with him and Jeff Bridges was quiet, but totally freaked me out.
Many years ago, I used to sell flatware and regular dishes, but we’d occasionally get an overflow of customers from our china and silverware department, so I had to learn a bit about it.
One woman reported that she went to the manager and demanded that the massage therapist be prevented from proceeding with any more massages. She said she was nearly freaking out because the man was massaging another woman. He had put his fingers into her vagina. The manager refused to do anything.
Every deck is different, too, so you have to use a deck to get a good reading.
It’s at least 50% her amazing footwear
Thomas Flamank (Flamonk, Flammonk, Flamock). There’s a statue in Cornwall.
I have to repeat this. If you are being harassed at work, you must:
The consequences are important. No slaps on the wrist.
The thing is, you don’t actually know if this was a one time thing. That may have been the last straw. You don’t know what he may have done out of sight of most of the other employees, emails he may have sent, calls he made, and so on.