DanceswithPeeps The Burner v2.1

A lot of small businesses don’t have HR departments (think every family-owned/mom and pop/corner shop/indie anything), but, worse, don’t think they need to set guidelines for employees. So, no handbook, no discussion of laws, they don’t put up the posters that state the state and federal laws that apply to their

Look, the MSG headache jokes are funny, but I found out the hard way that I do have a problem with it. It’s almost certainly related to one or two of the autoimmune disorders I have. I ended up having muscle spasms through my entire body, but especially from my head through my torso, for four hours, after we picked up

That bastard had one of my ancestors hanged, drawn, and quartered.

Sexual predation is part of sexual harassment, but not all sexual harassment is predation. If it’s gender-related, it’s sexual harassment.

You’re putting pressure on yourself that you just don’t need.

I haven’t owned a Honda or a Subaru, but some friends just bought a Forester after driving one on vacation.

For some of us, plant-based doesn’t work. I’m glad it works for you. It helped my late FIL’s severe diabetes. But, again, it doesn’t work for everyone.

Big sugar literally paid off study designers.

We’re not talking wealthy. We’re talking upper middle class. Huge difference. Wealthy is Elon Musk. Upper middle class is a manager at Tesla.

Every time I see Chris O’Dowd I say a little prayer that he is as decent as he seems.

The theater isn’t making much money on tickets. For the first week, and sometimes the first two weeks with blockbusters, the theaters get nothing; it all goes back to the studio. Food is where the theater makes their money.

My older son’s room never smelled. My younger son? Yep, gross.

Take Charlie Rose— he didn’t just practice workaholism, he made a cult of it. Of course he was going to end up like this.

Women have been expressing milk, babies have had diapers, and there have been various methods of cleaning out snot for millennia. So, the modern innovations that make these things easier make sense. Inventing something entirely new that doesn’t, doesn’t make sense.

Actually, sugar consumption has a greater relation to those health issues than animal based products.

Freud contributed to the white men are the standard BS and everyone else is deviation.

Yeah, that’s worked so well for Kansas.

This is under Vitals, a subforum of Lifehacks. It isn’t political; it’s life and death. People would die if this bill were to pass and be upheld. It’s important to know what health coverage you have.

Does your state have disability, or do you have disability insurance through work?

Can you afford rent on the new place by yourself? Have you signed a lease that includes him on it?