
It’s so much bullshit. I grew up in a majority Black neighborhood, and my best friend’s family went apple picking. I’ve never even heard that we aren’t supposed to wear flip flops. My on-the-edge-of-Hotep boyfriend loves Natalie Merchant and is a fiend for punk music. I am a crazy dog lover who refers to her dog as

This is an important comment. I don't know why but it is. 

Black People: Can we just agree not to go with this conspiracy theory that this man was “assassinated” because he was doing a documentary about this Dr. Sebi guy? (Who was not a doctor and did not cure AIDS, herpes, and cancer with herbs and an alkaline diet.) Can we?

“graphic videos of Nipsey from RIGHT AFTER that people are SHARING too.” Whyyyyyy? We all have had at least one person we know die, even if they didn’t like him, ok. But what about  sympathy for the bereaved?Famous or unknown, I can’t take such gratuitous displays of inhumanity.

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Not sure I get all the hate for a teenage girl, because this is basically what I expect the inside of Betsy Johnson’s house to look like. If it’s her aesthetic and she loves it, fine. It’s basically a kid version of this lady’s house and I’m here for it.

For all of the people I’ve heard talk about “Dr.” Sebi, I’ve never seen any actual evidence of him helping anyone with his quackery. As far as I’m concerned, he was on some Super Size Me bullshit and people took it as gospel 🤦🏾‍♂️

Sebi is a quack and this is a conspiracy theory. Nipsey did wonderful things for his community and he deserves more respect than connecting nonexistent dots between a doc about a fake doctor and a model citizen

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I’ll never forget his cameo in one of Rachel Bloom’s skits from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend:

However (because of spoilers) I think Reds voice makes a lot of sense. It’s an interesting layer for those who have seen the movie. And I kinda doubt those expressing concern have actually seen the movie.

Which is weird to me because of spoilery reasons.

I have no clue if you are reading your grey’s but someone just said that Michelle Obama is part of the conspiracy to get the charges dropped. I no longer care what the truth is. This has become so amazing. LOL

Yes, Winston masterfully portrayed a cornball of a father. Yeti cooler, and all. I imagine Peele will be just like that as well lol

Yeah, yeah, yeah, free Jussie and all that, but umm......when are the police gonna perp walk Jacob Wohl for filing a false police report?

Like, people taking the side of one of the most corrupt police dept in the country- even while the superintendent tried his hand at being a daytime personality, trying to steal Al Roker’s job.

1. Jason saw how his mom dealt with one of the twins. I also think it’s highly possible that he saw her deal with Red, too. When she pulls him out of the locker, he is terrified of his own mother. He was also alone with Red for significant period of time - she might have said something that got him thinking.

Beyond the fact that I was entirely entertained, I know that I thought about the movie longer than I normally think about movies afterwards. To me, I’d count that as a success.

Thank you! Those are great resources. I'd love to be able to pass them on to others I know who struggle with the same issue. 

Then there’s Fake Woke White People aka Splinter’s entire staff and 99% of their approved commentors.

I see the Franken fanboys still have their knives out...

*laughs in bless your pathetically basic heart*