
What about bears? We’re supposed to get bears on Friday.

The pancake got a better tip than most IHOP employees.

how waffle

Who says USC isn’t an elite educational institution?????


Getting 19 year old strange though. Could be worse.


What if I don't like blue cars?

That was my first thought, except the story said that the mistake was between them and Vanderbilt.

Rick Pitino reportedly impressed by their ability to stay in for ten minutes.

Theory: It’s part of the NCAA crackdown on weak-ass scheduling of nothing but high school-equivalents. Win 24 games thanks to the 300th toughest nonconference schedule? Not only will we not invite you, we’ll fucking rip your heart out with a crank call.

No.. He is VALUED way more than her. Theoretically, if you can find someone to buy Tidal, 40/40 clubs, ROC nation, recording catalog etc for what some what some financial “expert” thinks they are worth, he might be worth more than Beyonce. However, at the end of the day, Beyonce brings in way more cash than anything

Are you really trying to give a toddler credit for “being CEO”? Seriously?

There are plenty are reasons Jay-Z could think it was going to be successful. Were any of those reasons based in the reality you and I live in? Probably not.

Or just don’t listen to Kanye. There are plenty of other artists out there.

6th grade, but I was kind of advanced... I mean I never actually plotted anything dangerous, but I thought about how life would be infinitely better if _________ never crossed my path again.

Damn, I didn’t want to kill any of my classmates until the 9th grade.

lunchtime seaweed???

A big pile of rabid Jazz fans is also another way to describe an NPR fundraiser.

Or else you might end up at the bottom of a big pile of rabid Jazz fans.