
“... AND they’d start me in something called the “D” League!” - Michael Sam to his agent

Not surprised that Josh Smith has found yet another way to leave his taint on the game of basketball.

Such a play is known as a Kobe, as it allows you to pass to yourself and involves an asshole.

Way to go, Tyler. A white male in this country finally gets a break due to his family connections rather than talent or experience, and he goes out and fucks it up almost immediately. This is why we never get anywhere.

Hey. HEY.

That uncle who always stared at your junk when you were wearing tight shorts was also a large part of your life, but no one’s celebrating him.

I still want to see Bernie Sanders jump a turnstile, though.

A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.

The man threatened Mr. West by telling him, “If you don’t give me what I want, I have people in the car that will burn this whole place down.”

That is a shame. At a Trump hotel, that is referred to as “room service”.


So wait, player development, filling out the back end of your roster, free agency, roster chemistry, and trading for players are important parts of building a successful team?

He can lift his foot up, I believe, so long as there is no motion — either by the foot or his body — towards the plate. But I fully expect an umpire to jump on him for that at some point.

Lots of reporters have been asking about him and that windup, to the point that everyone is sick of it. Fellow reliever Alexi Ogando has refused to answer any further questions.

But will there be a post of the post? Or just a post?

Thank you for pointing some of this out. Applying american ideas on the favellas just doesn’t work. It’s a whole different beast.

Not only that. He’s on pace for 243 home runs this season!

When does he steer Adolf Schickelgruber away from art?

The G-Wagen story is an amazing one. A company in New Mexico called Europa figured out that there would be a market for the G-Wagen and paid all the money to crash test it, etc., in order to sell them in the US beginning in the mid-1990s. The cost of this was high, probably in the millions. They imported not just the