
Disgusting. Seamen flying everywhere.

The teams disagreed about the charm of the French Sailor Moon.

...and here is your award:

Comedic timing - what’s up with that ?

I’m sure both guys would find the title to be absolutely hilarious and totally appropriate.

His family home was an oleo home.

Haven’t heard Rhianna’s album but the genre has been done. And IMHO, done well. Linda Ronstadt recorded an album about 20 years ago of rock and pop classics, sang in a lilting voice. The album is titled “Dedicated to the One I Love” (still available on Amazon, I think). I played that album for my son when he was an

And the center armrest that’s as wrinkly as Old Man Jenkin’s ballbag.

agree, she has people

So my only question is: did the Assistent wake up sometime mid-February, 2016, {gasp} and think, “oh no! My employer is not going to comp my overtime—nor is she going to treat me humanely and pay me appropriately! THAT’S IT! I was on the fence for 21 years, but now I’m SURE she’s not going to suddenly snap to and get

I guess they've never heard of bootstraps in St. Olaf.

(Headline from the linked article)


Wow. I feel gross after reading that. My curiosity wanted to poke around and see what else they were saying on that site, but I think I better not.

You had me at Garrison Keillor.

This is good Kinja

I don’t know about the rest of your beliefs, but on this one? You are correct.

Or with “gyro” which Rob loves to eat. And eat.

If you think that 6yo kids with potentially fatal allergies should somehow “just deal” because it inconveniences other kids and their parents...well, thanks for demonstrating that there is also a lack of empathy involved in the debate. Imagine if your kid died just because the table wasn’t properly cleaned and another