
I was thinking that, but then there's the flip...he will be raising another generation of men to be as Vile and degrading as he is towards women. Overall he never should have been allowed to breed.

That’s a lengthy way of saying Go Longhorns Booo Cowboys.

Yes. Now get off the internet until your homework is done.

No I saw that too but that’s like two things. You telling me the ONLY non-writing jobs he could get was UPS or pot farming? If true, then fine I guess. But that’s not what he says. He doesn’t say he’s been sending out 50 resumes a week to regular jobs and can’t get hired. He just mentions writing and these two random

This is foolish, it works both ways.

But who presses the press?

Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?

Top Tip; If you're bald, don't think that facial hair somehow makes up for it.

The man with 30,000 toy cars didn’t have a wife or children?! I’m shocked. SHOCKED!

See this is where we differ Barry. I think he’s great at what he doesn’t do.

Or they could do the most Browns thing imaginable and trade for Geno Smith.

Was it Kanye West? Please tell me it was Kanye West.

Dumbass should’ve stole the I8

This all seems like a pretty good way to launder drug money.

“But your honor, go easy on me. Since I killed my parents, I’m an orphan”

Seriously. Also: she’s an alpha, man. She'll be just fiiiiiiiiine.

He is a died-in-the-wool car guy. Not only does he show up at all kinds of car events with some amazing pieces of machinery from his collection, but he also will actually talk with other car people about pretty much anything car related. I honestly don't know how he does it, because I think I would go insane from

Couldn't agree more. It's a comedian/late night host, I can't stand him. As a car guy, he's one of the best.

In the grand scheme of things, as long as he's not chopping people's hands off I think he's doing fine.