
Ok, I now feel dumb not picking up on this straight away...

The gay agenda has never been scarier!

Brussels needs to demand the dismantling of all anti abortion laws, and it would be just and right for the EU to strip these sovereign powers from Spain since Spain has been sucking on the EU bailout teat. What will the EU HRC have to say about this?

Jezebel has taught me that classism in the USA always goes hand in hand with racism. It is the legacy of having a slave class identifiable by skin colour which then evolved into a workingclass/underclass identity in the post civil war era.

That's not Sally Draper, that's Jinora, Grand child of Avatar Aang.

Milk is the bomb.

Hahahaha, that is a big call or you are indulging in insane hyperbole.

Considering heads of academia are always about 200 years old that makes sense.

Funnily enough my friend joking says the only reason she is taken seriously by the crotchety old male heads of department is because she is an "honorary man" in their eyes because she is gay.

Very much this. A friend of mine has to fight tooth and nail for one of her PhD students to avoid having her hard work stolen from her by department heads who think she is just a pretty little airhead and not the hardworking scientist she is because she wears dresses/makeup.

They were perfect for the respective characters they played, it made a fantastic series.

You are the cancerous asshole of the gawkerverse.

But that's how names work, they have always spread far and wide from the original culture from whence they come. I've met Malaysian Natasha's and Chinese Hermans.

You do realise he is speaking ARABIC right? The word he is using might not even have a proper english equivalent. So don't lose your shit over specific wording.

Yep, definitely going to risk finding that one out in the middle of the night.

Idris as James Bond confirmed, no else points their (finger) gun at the camera do they?

In the Abrahamic traditions god is always spoke of, about and depicted as a man. By your own definition it is a symbol of submission to a male god. Despite attempts at reinterpretation all the Abrahamic faiths are profoundly sexist and anti woman. Hell the Christian bible in revelations it specifically precludes women

I've DnD'ed as a beggar priest before, it was très fun.

You mean it is not legally mandated, there is still substantial societal pressure regarding "modesty" in Pakistan. Only those with power, money and status can stand against these kinds of forces.