
Wonder Woman is not obedient to a man's god.

It seems pretty cultist to me.

Maybe you could do a post on groupthink that is like a guide on how to be inclusive?

I don't even know how that sort of article is suppose to look.

So you want a shout out to the gay community in every article about sexuality?

The government, civilized governments spent more money on public health than they go on executing their own citizens or buying bombs.

I'm sure the extra 30 seconds spent filling out the input table for the drop down list won't send FB under.

If the baby could reasonably be expected to survive a cesarean, why not do that instead of a late term abortion? If it can exist separately from it's mother, I don't see why it shouldn't be given the chance.

Wow, so to get any credit Jessica Ebaum should have tried to start a new company with no money and no support from anyone or anything with a penis (or a desire to become a penis owner). You're doing feminism wrong.

We are the best of mankind and also the worst.

I am pretty bitter on Asami's behalf, if this ameliorates things I guess it would work.

I recommend a propane touch with which to heat your ice cream scoop to incandescence, the icecream scoop with then vaporizer the icecream on contact making the work required to penetrate minimal.

Lets domesticate these little rascals.

I thought the size chart problems one was better, I mean it doesn't fit very well on his foot and as a consumer I am really investing in getting properly fitting footwear.

He would probably benefit immensely from an SSRI.

Law & Order: Special Dungeons Unit

How has a piece of art like that on a college campus not been destroyed in a mysterious fire?

You always find the most diversity in a species at it's origin, this is how we figured out were tomatoes came from.