
Mother of god...

I did not know there was a long standing tradition for female titles for the position as head of the Federal Reserve, in fact I thought she was the first and thus free to set the precedent.

I would have gone with Lord Tyrant, but then I have never take titles that seriously, so good for her.

Will the women have equal access to performance enhancing drugs?

Stupid? What do you have against flat caps?

What's wrong with Leo's hat?

I love this, this is gold!

Considering protagonists are predominately male it is much less of an issue for men because at least some men are doing something.

Ducks are raping cannibal necrophile monsters...

Haven't you ever watched something that includes female characters that do nothing? I think that is what the female part underwritten is trying to highlight, often female characters can be replaced with a bag of flour and the movie/tv show would be the same.

Just because a rule is not applicable 100% of the time does not mean that it is not a rule and a useful one at that. The examples you mention manage to compensate for the deficiencies of those characterizations, not excel because of them.

You lost me at five senses, that is the sort of crap your art teacher would say in primary school along with you only use 10% of your brain. It doesn't make any sense.

That is one righteous dude.

It should have been two of each gender and one genderless person. :P

Hahahaha my beloved SF community maybe be forward thinking in terms of technology, space travel and the accomplishments in science but it has the same cultural miasmas as the rest of society.

Did Obama turn around and tell him "NO" in a stern voice before returning to the address?

Various Indigenous Australian tribes practiced agriculture others didn't.

He shot policemen, this makes him an Australian national hero.

You're in our constitution, you belong to us.

Hmmm, have you considered emigrating to somewhere that is racially homogeneous then? Somewhere you won't have to fuss about white people?