
A typical self centered and ignorant american.

I am not an expert on latin but isn't niger latin for black? Which is of course the root word for nergo and all the other related terms. How on earth could anyone think it could mean anything else?

Doug, you are not competent to write about scientific issues. You embarrass not only with website but also yourself with this really poor interpretation of how prenatal hormone exposure affects development.

Oh god, you have just done the equivalent of saying climate change must be false because it is cold outside today.

I think in Europe it is more talk, in the States it appears to entail a lot more violence.

You mean European cops aren't regularly murdering black Europeans?

You have heroin? Why you not sharing?

Wow, TLDR.

Sure using the latest tools to optimise ones work is an obvious sign of crapness. Well done.

I thought make people angry was winning.

That is one sexy dude.

Did tribal identity survive the age of slavery? I thought that heritage was destroyed and so the origin of pre-enslavement ancestors of "african" americans was lost. Of course the actual non-slave black migrants of africa know exactly who they are (or which african nation their ancestors come from) but that is a

I'm not in your shithole of a country, where I live our labour laws force McDonalds to pay their workers a decent wage and guess what, the sky didn't fall. McDonalds still makes a very healthy profit and our government doesn't have to fork out billions stopping their workforce from starving to death.

Complete assholes, how do they get away with it again?

The beard hides his ugly ugly neck.

What's it from?

The damage also won't last as long.

Janelle... really... you should know cookie monster has a problem, you can't just sit back and watch a user using again. Janelle you should have called an ambulance or something.