
He is a king among men. Also true fact, there is a limit to dirtiness, after a certain point all the available space on a given garment/person is covered with dirt and new dirt has trouble adhering, this point could be referred to as filth saturation.

Maybe different lighting creates the appearance of different shades?

Good to see the most outrageous injustice known to man is being tackled, god forbid dads having to take care of their spawn.

And here I was thinking the current genocide of Muslims in CAR by Christians was the worst idea in January 2014... I now see the error of my ways.

The kids are as cute as buttons aren't they.

I just felt you were only making the comparison because they are both women, if Jessica was a dude would you have made the same comment? (and yes it sucks that there aren't more women hires)

Ah the American Injustice system strikes again.

Well they are both jewish...

Is that really fair? To make a comparison only between racial minority women correspondents? Surely Jessica is better than a lot of other correspondents?

Americans who harass Canadians now could potentially be extradited...

As far as I am concerned, the problems associated with your genitals are for your surgeon to figure out and good luck to him/her too.

Awwww, I wish I had ovaries for the exploding.


This here folks is proof that advertising works.

Mainly the "shipping them in" bit, it's one thing to deny the existance of PoC in Britian but to invent a conspiracy to explain away proof of the contrary...

Lol... What?

If I could take responsibility and apologise for our whole goddamn civilization for making that the state of play I would. I am sorry you never got the justice you deserve. :(

I am afraid I cannot actually answer your questions. The 8% figure comes from FBI crime stats of which I have no clue of their methodology. The report that I have read listed a 2.1% false rape report rate (which still substantially over represents false claims). You should have a read of it if you are so inclined: http

In some jurisdictions as much as 8% of rape reports are false, when we know the percentage of "false rapes" is at least a twentieth of that if not smaller. The problem is why so many actual rapes aren't being reported.

I cannot believe the nerve...