Who the fuck wants to look at Piers?
Who the fuck wants to look at Piers?
As Rob Schneider's agent, I demand you cease and desist discussing Mr. Schneider's future film/television project(s). Failure to comply will result in legal action.
"And in Virginia it should be shared with Robert E. Lee's and Stonewall Jackson's birthdays."
I know! The distinguished Congressman must feel so honored.
Makin' mis-taaakes!
"Haha, it's funny because you guys look like the bad guys her—"
And will, sadly, still be dressed like that.
Big talk coming from someone who didn't have a botched gummy surgery, forced to live in a gummy wheelchair for the rest of their gummy life.
Reading this made me frustrated, angry, and hate music.
And I'd imagine a gritty, regular-guy appeal that makes him a good fit for shitting on peoples' doorsteps, too!
Yeah, I think it was about 2006 that they finally got too far up their own ass with the whole "Our new shows are so ABSURDIST, there is no way you could possibly understand them!"
And in the end, isn't that the real truth?
The FOIA was signed into law in 1967. You might be thinking of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.
My son is also named Tibor.
I didn't know that blackface incidents were a thing of any frequency in Australia.
I feel like prison teaching gigs would attract a lot of "woke" people.
Because a person can have a certain set of beliefs without a Marcuse quote having any relevance in the matter.
🎶 Who is that man
I'd like to tax his ba-a-ands 🎶
🎶Mah mah mah mah Pearlman🎶
So I should probably stop trying to get my article published, "We Live In The Pop-Culture World That The Guy(s) Who Invited Pogs Created," huh?