Right. Another boy who writes sexism off as "misunderstood humor" because treating women like human beings threatens his defective understanding of what it means to be a man.
Carry on. Nothing new on Kotaku's threads here.
Right. Another boy who writes sexism off as "misunderstood humor" because treating women like human beings threatens his defective understanding of what it means to be a man.
Carry on. Nothing new on Kotaku's threads here.
Oh wait, you've admitted to loving panty shots of prepubescent girls in your animes, of course you would use the phrase. Pedophiles and bigots love to complain about how politically correct the world is when they get called out for being sleazy scumbags
Hey Iggy...
I tried it accidentally in college when I was drunk. Terrible. Terrible experience. Don't ever take PCP.
Eh. The rockabilly look is SO played out at this point.
Huh. Didn't he already exercise early termination in the finals?
He has a song named "Rain is a Good Thing", which is just about rain being good because it grows food (which can be distilled into liquor). It's beyond stupid, and liking it makes you stupid.
I'm all too familiar with this demographic. I grew up in a small town outside of Houston. One thing that I could never wrap my head around, was their allegiance to either Bud, Miller, or Coors. Even though all of these beers tasted pretty much the same, you were a "queer" if you didn't drink their preferred brand. …
Wanna know who still buys CDs? These people do, which is why "shirtless country" is a thing now. It's basically country-twanged pop rock based around dumb bumpkin escapist fantasies and performed by wholesome non-threatening rubes whose greatest dream is to become the new Jimmy Buffett. These tours are a huge deal…
It's Port Charlotte. Lee County FL. Port Charles might b a place but this ain't it. So many young women—girls really—with children they are too young and ill equipped for, compounded by (or because of....who knows) poverty w no end in sight and absolutely nobody around or able to offer stable family support, or…
There are other ways to relieve your pain:
that might be the calmest I have ever seen Hulk Hogan...
not much is wrong with kids these days, at least statistically. Pregnancy rates are way down as is drug use, violent crime, murder and general violence. This is just a new chapter in the generational panic history our country is obsessed with. Great series of podcasts about it on cracked. Basically though the 24 hour…
It's easier if you aren't a fucking creep and have something intelligent to say. That's been my experience, at least. I get honest responses (or even, gasp, a "I don't think we'd work" message) just by being human.
jesus that face is the epitome of jealousy
You're dead-ass wrong about Kids. Still holds up.
Nah, he's just his own special self. At any rate, I'm pretty sure he might've noticed by now that I lack a cock, given that he generally spends twenty or thirty minutes at a time worshipping the general area of my crotch. Sometimes twice a day. :D Anyway, thanks for your input. I'd imply that you're an asshole, but it…
My boyfriend up-talks. With a Texas accent. And cocks his head to the side and waves his hands around a lot. And yes, it's cute as hell. :)
It's good to appreciate the "salt of the earth" type people. Those who go above and beyond. A friend, a woman in her late 60's, who is a health and fitness, essential oils guru or sorts, was in New York City near Times Square when a man in front of her grabbed his chest and dropped to knees and then fell over onto…
I'll blame my non-detail-oriented self :) thanks!