
Twitch Plays Pokémon is back, and now they're playing Pokémon Crystal. I know the feeling, and the need to keep your friends together and a good thing going. But it's never as good as the first time. Still, if you want to watch, here it is.

Ok, honest question. I'm asking as a degree-holding average millennial.

Agreed, I always wondered who needs a sign telling them not to put feminine products in the toilet. Now I know. On an unrelated note, the month before I got married I went to one of our company's crappy happy hours (designed to make us forget how awful and oppressive our work environment was). I got drunker than I

I got the joke :) Love you.

If you can't tell I was being sarcastic, then that was probably my fault. Jezebel isn't the right venue for me. Aubrey Graham isn't a philosopher, he's a rapper by the name of Drake BTW.

What do you mean? He might as well have murdered her himself. Isn't he acquainted with the Canadian philosopher Aubrey Graham? "The truth hurts, but those lies heal."


Holy shit I forgot about the About a Boy TV show. :[ Don't wanna.

Hey, white ladies: That thing, where Beyonce releases an album that not only champions feminism more directly than any other major record this year, but a profoundly intellectual and artistic album, and what you actually focus on is her naked black ass? Stop doing that. Black women have a long enough history of being

Well nothing spices up my morning coffee like some casual anti-semitism.

i guarantee you this guy's real fantasy is to get stepped on and pegged. by a woman who looks like his mother.

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

This is an old photo - but me and my formerly shaved head join you in non-long hair solidarity. :D

Me four years ago would like to join you.

This is me one upping that asshole.

the more i read about this the more blood pressure meds i need. wtf. i just want to drop kick these 2 in their smug shit faces. along with the school, the police, their parents, etc

Thanks so much for this article. I am going through a breakup right now as well, and some friends have been really not helpful at all in what they are saying to me. I try to keep in mind that I am really sensitive right now, and that they mean well, but still.

My long term relationship ended early this year. It sucked! It was out of the blue and made question everything about myself. Fast forward nine months later I'm happier than I've ever been. Still miss her from time to time, but it's only because I lost my best friend and pizza buddy. I heard pretty much everything you