Stop trying to make that a thing!
I'm hangin' on to "rad" like Rose in Titanic.
"Curt Schilling is dishing out payback? Awesom - oh."
"don't know what i would do without you" besides have a much better understanding of science and natural history!
T2 has an insane amount of unbelievable stunts we will probably never see again.
Upon a re-read of your original comment, I understand why you're so defensive. You're a former fat guy. I get it—you don't like to see assumptions made about other fat people. That's understandable. And you lost weight, and now you're no longer a fat guy, but you like to keep playing the white knight for all those…
If Kanye says he never loved Amber, all she has to do is play My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy at the highest volume. That album is literally an ode to that relationship. So, he can say it, but it's already committed ON WAX that he'd be lying. She wouldn't have to say shit, really.
Yo. Did you miss all the other comments about how step counters actually help people make sure they get up and move occasionally? Walking is good for you, and sometimes people need a reminder to go out and do it more.
I ran in Chuck Taylor's once as a youngster (17). Worst shin splints ever. Do not do.
You really shouldn't run in Chuck Taylors.
Gotta love the reading comprehension of people on the interbutts.
What has humanity come to. In the past we admired warriors for surviving wars and conquering land. Now we admire fat fucks for pretending to be other fat fucks.
Don't get all the hate.
The word "Diva" gets tossed around far too easily these days. It reminds me how the WWE refers to all their wrestlers as "Superstars", even if it's some jobber like Alex Riley or somebody. Not that Ariana won't necessarily become like the Miz one day but the practice of giving someone the same title (superstar) as…
your niece is very pretty. But honestly I have two very cute little girls (of course I think they are) and this article scares the crap out of me.