
And that's my problem. Just admit the two are similar. I really don't think it too much to ask. Is it?

If you asking if I read the book? Yes to all three. Personally Battle Royale is my favorite of the three. I think that's because I enjoy Japanese authors.

You say whatever you want. I'd like for once that a Hunger Games fan can just admit it instead of always making excuses. Hell I can easily say that Battle Royale borrowed heavily form Lord of the Flies.

I don't see why people get uptight about a simple fact of the matter. You can tell yourselves whatever gets you through the day. Fact remains they ripped off Battle Royale and poorly.

Well that just seems petty. The point is still valid and the number of times people say it doesn't make any less. If anything it needs to be said more.

It is a ripoff of Battle Royale. Just as that was a ripoff of other stuff, but lets not pretend Hunger Games is doing anything original and special. It's not.

I liked it better when it was called Battle Royale.

I think they should have gone full on snout.

So glad I stop doing coke in my early twenty's.

She's famous and dead. You know that will never happen.

Hellz yeah!

What. The. Shit. Was. That?

Watchmen is not a universe. It is a standalone story. I wish people stop calling it a god damn universe.

Nicely put.

Damn. You beat me to it.

Hey Lynndie, kindly go fuck yourself.

Easy solution. Have both male and female. Hell have two of each.

I do too, but Adams Family already was a comedy. Dark Shadows not so much. At least intentionally.

Sci Fi channel is bet.

I was thinking the Adams Family movies.