
The wasn't like this. This movie looks crummy.

As a Dark Shadows fan, I am not excited for this movie. I know the show was campy as that's fine, but this looks like the Adams Family movie. Not a happy camper.

That's so awesome.


Maybe they mean the 90's of some alternate universe?

How so?

Is he supposed to be gay or something?

Well she is a very fetching women. I doubt very few men could resist her charms.

Walking away from this. Agree to disagree.

I know I can handle whatever life may through at me. Don't hate if you can't. Like I said people get too emotional over this subject. You obviously do.

I'm sure I won't make any friends with views, but sometimes people just playing victim. Don't you tell me anything I went through including bully and abuse at home didn't make me stronger. It is evidence of my superiority whatever that may mean. Life's a bitch and it's fair. You and many people are far too emotional

Sometimes it is. I know no one likes to hear it but there is some truth to it.

Haters gonna hate. Have fun "ruining" America ma'am.

For real modern porn is hella freaky. Kids these days go ass to mouth. Like when they're freshmen.

Man, people need to quit screwing around with their faces.

Little guys are usually scrappers.

I really do not get why the right wants to pick this fight. There isn't a women I know in my life that hasn't at one time used PP for something. They are being senseless and petty. Good luck in the general election dipshits.

I figured it was that. And now I see a typo in my original comment that I can not fix. Curse my luck!

Well played.

Easy solution for is to keep his name out of her mouth. She's basically insinuating that he want's to keep white people in slavery (people really do believe this shit.) and she expects no reaction. Is she really that dense? Not for nothing, but she's really aged in the last four years. Dramatically.