
I feel smarted now for learning this.

Nothing wrong with liking Hello Kitty. Nothing.

I get. I accept it as well. It needs to be said.

Not to be that guy but she was a crack addict.

Truth my friend, truth.

Man I love Kitty. For some reason that cats image just calms me. Did you know she's from London, England?

I have to agree there. The goof just needs to take a flying leap.

Ms. Cho, no worries I think we've all been there.

Oh man. I'm not really sure what to say about this apart from it being well... evil. Wow what a bunch of see you next Thursdays. Wow.

PoweredByHentai knows his stuff and is very much correct. I see what Owen Good is trying to say, but he is passion get the best of him..

Yes please.

I never read it, but I did think the movie was shit. One of the worst films I'v ever seen.

Chris Brown just needs to take f'n hike. Chop chop.

Great Gonzo?

I know, I know. It's my favorite series though. Love those little guys.

Nooooooooooooo... I love those games.

You're trolling aren't you?

Preach brother, preach.

Man this game is the business!!! I felt so accomplished when I beat. The last boss was such a pain.

Haven't read it since maybe 98'.