
This guy is a goon. I really do not his point on that last part with the Oxycontin reference.

Having balls sucks during the summer. Ugh!

Thank you for posting that.

lol Made my day.

You made my day as well good sir. Tip o' the cap to you.


This is why I have banned this show in house. It's just too damn depressing.

They're stand alone games. Amazing games at that.

I can not wait for this game!!! Everything I learn about it makes me geek out even more. It's going to be the first collectors edition I even buy. That's how much I love this series : )

Yeah,the ads are so obnoxious.

The 3DS is still rather new. Give it time.

I think it will do well, but I do not plan on getting one for a while considering that a lot of the games for it I can already get and will get for my PS3. Plus I wanna try it hands on first before deciding on buying it.

I was thinking the same thing. Didn't think that was problem really in the world. Learn something new everyday.