
“...under federal sentencing guidelines he’s expected to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face

It’s a cheap thing, you wouldn’t understand. 

it may be a minor point here but it may be worth noting, this 25-year old med student did not go out and get his mk5 GTI painted that color... it came that way from the factory as part of the Fahrenheit edition:

“Did you turn your head to look?”
“Well no, why should I be bothered to do that?”

Honestly, if I had JUST bought a Veyron and it got sideswiped by a CR-V, I probably would've had an identical reaction, if not worse. 

I will 100 percent help you enforce this if you want.

Are you saying those Navy pilots just took too many diet pills?

I’ll actually be in town for this, so please come and chat about the 4,500 cat photos on my phone

The undisputed king of Gran Turismo 2. 

It’s always one of those “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills” things with me. Fighting for any wage number is not a great way to use resources without requiring that the wage is tied to cost of living or inflation, etc. Like, even if $15 sounds good to people now (and in lower cost areas it is good), by the time it

$15hr was decent money... 20 fucking years ago.

“Now drive to Bank of America and get me $200,000 in cashier checks.”

Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

I’m sorry the person you were when you were younger embarrasses you so much now, but that does not make this album bad, it makes your perspective shallow.

I am a 90s girl and to this day still maintain that Mellon Collie is one of the best alternative albums ever released and that Tonight, Tonight is one of the best music videos ever created. The Pumpkins still have great replay value, though I will admit that “The Perfect Drug” and “Closer to God” are as far as I go for

Girl. No. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.

In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.

bro got nailed and is honest about the consequences

15 years with me, and 28 years with my father before that. This one is definitely my forever car.