
Conversely, AWD doesn’t automatically mean good in the snow. Particularly when it’s on a super car with fat summer tires and two inches of ground clearance.

There too the majority didn’t vote for the man. However, intimidation and dirty tricks (voter suppression) gets you a long way.

Can’t wait to see who comes out of the woodwork to defend this kind of shit.

Please tell me what “major city” has been “burnt down”.

This is a traffic violation and attempted homicide. Why hasn’t anyone been arrested?”

Kinda stoked about the general lack of “stick to cars” going on in the comments.

I’m sure the police are working in shifts to run those plates and bring them in.

they’re desperate for attention, insecure beyond all belief, and they probably feel like they’re outa options.... it’s the grown-up equivalent of a child crying and pouting on the floor of best buy, because mom wont buy the nintendo.... they can figure out that crying on the floor wont get them the nintendo, but in

Your link shows white supremacists being harassed. The only reason you would have a problem with that is if you are also a white supremacist.

Lol. That article/clip had basically zero evidence of any violent acts. Just some warranted yelling to remind these racists MAGA morons who they are supporting.  Try again.

Do any states have motor laws that prohibit the mounting of gigantic flags on cars while driving in anything other than a parade? I am so sick of seeing this crap. I am waiting for one of these flags to go flying off of bro-truck only to impale itself through the windshield of a car behind killing an innocent bystander

As long as the President and Attorney General both endorse and protect this kind of behavior, they’ll keep doing it. If Biden wins the election, look for the new AG to suddenly be very heavy-handed in cases of intimidation and the like.

These last four years have been the longest century of my life.

Sorry Viper, the headline clearly says the AMG’s wing is as large as an entire 370Z.

Exactly, don’t start a wing war with Chrysler, they will win

This is petty and despicable. We need Police who are mature and capable of working under pressure... like their training supposedly prepares them for. Not acting out and vandalizing cars like a bunch of emotionally out of control teenagers.

<runs out to buy one now>  I’ll store this in my garage up on stands for 20 years then sell it for a huge profit since it’s a special edition - Boomer in training

Now playing

It’s true, as Tabitha will now demonstrate...

He’s peddling toothpaste that kill CoV? But.. but.. didn’t he also said fluoride is a mind control substance?

People want to do dangerous things. Nothing will keep them from doing dangerous things. Providing an outlet like this greatly diminishes the chance of OTHERS getting hurt from these actions. Seems like a win/win. Idiots get to be dangerous, innocent bystanders (those choosing not to be involved) stay safe.