Methinks you are confusing abstract theoretical physical attraction with dating interest for men. I'm 42. Do I find women in their early 20's physically attractive? Yes. Would I want to date one? Hell no!
But the Obama administration has continued the same policies.
And so it has begun. Actually it began a long time ago but that is neither here nor there.
This is madness! Are we in Communist China or Putin's Russia or Saddam's Iraq? Why isn't Obama or the progressive wing of the Democratic party speaking up about this totalitarian behavior? Talk about jack booted thugs! The U.S. is officially a police state now.
That's why they will charge him with negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter not 2nd degree murder. Even if it was an accident or there was no intent on his part, if someone dies b/c of your negligence or directly b/c of your actions then they charge you with those. This is a pretty clear cut case of…
You are obviously a lay person who doesn't understand criminal law.
Actually since Stewart will lawyer up with the best lawyers money can buy, and they can claim it was accidental and there was no intent they will probably not charge him with 2nd degree murder but negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter. Much easier chance of winning of getting a conviction on those charges…
I just watched the video again. The 45 car easily avoided the guy by just maneuvering around him w/o speeding up or slowing down. Stewart could've easily done the same thing so your argument is negated.
So gunning it and hitting him at a high rate of speed better than hitting the brakes and maybe hitting Ward at a very slow rate of speed. Got it. Great logic genius.
Your focus on intent doesn't matter in a court of law depending on what they charge him with. And the mental gymnastics you are doing to try to equate what that kid did to what Stewart did are really ridiculous.
Doesn't matter if he didn't have intent. If someone dies as the result of your actions, even if accidental, that is called involuntary manslaughter or negligent homicide. He could've easily just slammed on the brakes instead of gassing it and that kid would be alive or uninjured.
He can easily be charged with negligent homicide or whatever is equivalent in the state of NY. Or the prosecutors could puss out b/c he is rich and famous and will hire the best lawyers money can buy to fight any criminal prosecution.
Doesn't matter. If Stewart had hit the brakes instead of gunning it, none of this would've happened.
Doesn't matter. If Stewart had hit the brakes instead of gunning it, none of this would've happened.
He probably won't get charged with murder. More likely manslaughter or negligent homicide. Easier case to win.
In common sense terms they both may be at fault, but in the eyes of the law, Stewart will be at fault of manslaughter or negligent homicide. That's all that matters.
Deadspin/Gawker is not a newspaper therefore it is not journalism and the author is not a journalist. It is a blog. Big difference. Learn the difference before complaining.
You should ask your doctor about gabapentin or Lyrica. For some people they really help with nerve pain.