
Have a rough night getting rejected by 5s at the bar, buddy?

I’m American, but I’m familiar with the term. It basically means “white trash”, so if you’re black, I can’t tell you why he called you that.

If you want to understand the gulf between Tyson Kidd’s cultural sensibilities and those of the rest of the UK, just look up some British jokes about the guy.


I’m starting to think that every Deadspin writer who puts up a “His ass is old” E-Z Bake article should be required to disclose their own age at the start of it.

You are needed, Bane.

Quit fucking fining players for doing this shit and actually trying to make a connection with the people who pay for this circus. I’d be willing to bet money that every kid that Newton hands the ball too is a Panthers fan for life.

If that was Fox Sports, them and Fox News really don’t share an editorial philosophy.

When I read that editorial, I INSTANTLY knew that “Tennessee Mom” uses certain words and tells certain jokes when not in public.

I hate the fact that this’ll make me sound like an Internet tough guy, but if Cam handed my kid a touchdown ball and some trailer park trash who decided to forgo a car payment to buy that ticket tried to take the ball from him, I’m breaking the guy’s fucking eardrum.

Given that we’re going to see the exact same matchup this year, it’s too bad that Katy Perry can’t be the halftime show this year and “accidentally” re-enact.

Yes he is.

Also a lucrative media narrative: Manning’s replacement steps up.

What is it like to be shit?

Because that #1 QB sure has been hot shit this year, amirite?

He is a fucking hack.

“That means that Brady is throwing to a 30 year old backup”

You make a very excellent point, which I will take into account as far as my opinion goes.

“Because theyre screwing over other billionaires”

They picked Iowa to be mediocre in the preseason. They don’t like admiting that they’re wrong.