
Yup! It’s just a matter of “the refs are incompetent”! The fact that the botched calls either benefited the more lucrative franchise or the more lucrative media narrative is simple coincidence, yessiree. Nothing to see here, move on.

That isn’t proof that the Big Ten West sucks. That’s proof that Sagarin sucks.

In the eyes of the national sports media, your conference is worthless if it isn’t on the East Coast or doesn’t have a fanbase that likes to diddle their cousins.

“You were supposed to act like you hated being a rock star”

To be fair, it is God’s will that the Lions suck.

And here we go with another round of “Are the refs hilariously, criminally incompetent? Or are the NFL rules too byzantine?”

“Yes, old man, and that is why you are repairing air conditioners in your 60’s.”

Congrats, Maraathe: You just lost a corporate power struggle to a guy who once lived out of a car.

I wonder if we’ll see the legion of whiners in here today that we did last night.

Seriously, this is why we should have never switched from pay-by-the-hour Internet.

I’d pick the NFL contender; the USA is kind of done with the whole “industrial economy” thing, guys.

Our geography classes suck these days.

Spoken like a true denizen of a region whose two most recent and most relevant musical acts are the epitome of white trash.

“It wasn’t an asskicking”

Not you. No matter what you tell yourself.

And here we have an excellent example of why Detroit fails in the new century.

As a Chiefs fan, that close call reminds me of the controversial referee call which cost you the London gam—LOLOLOL Nope that was an asskicking from start to finish, just like this would have been if the Packers started playing like they can.

Wow. I’m not even a Pack fan and I feel like I just witnessed history.

Name them.

Like yours is from a trailer park in Tennessee?