
Good job, Mizzou.

Those are his guards?

They need to allow us to delete posts. Look above, that’s aimed at you.

Great Kinja Response, bro!!

He’s not all that old by normal-human standards. Hate having to throw this out there, but the hypocrisy of these jokes by people in the same age group is a pain in the ass.

It’s funny when trailer park trash with headache-inducing handles like “gawkersucksballsallday” gives off further proof of their membership in the McDonald’s caste with gems such as “Brett Farve”.

This was inevitable. If you absolutely need to be revealed to the world as an evil asshole, don’t do it when your high-powered job is one that lets people with a sense of roght and wrong hurt you.

I do nothing else.

Folks, remember these people the next time that someone tries to tell you that abortion is always wrong.

ESPN and boxing.

..At what point are we going to get smart and just ban smartphones for people under 18?


Is Deadspin now owned by ESPN?’s a good thing that a top talent was injured, because this means that young talent can rise up?

Arguing in favor of corporate excess in front of our current sorry-ass Supreme Court is not the most difficult of feats.

Why does every article that I read about Theismann leave me thinking that L.T. d the right thing?

Really? What happened?

I’d bet damn good money that he cheated on his medical exams.

Not true! They also love using the “Other people do it too!” fallacy!

Sorry to be pedantic, but Andy Reid’s already confirmed as returning.